If you are looking for a truly extraordinary place to visit, consider Cape Town, South Africa. There are few places on earth that can compare. There are wide open spaces and so much beauty that it is hard to describe or imagine.
Cape Town is physically cut off from the rest of the country by a barrier of mountains. The valleys produce grapes, wine, deciduous fruit and wheat. The cobbled streets, ancient oaks, and the British-built Georgian buildings are only a few of the sights that make Cape Town an extremely beautiful place to visit.
The city has an interesting history and a wonderful blend of people both culturally and racially. If you are interested in this aspect of Cape Town you should visit the South African Museum where you will get a glimpse into the various cultures of the area. This museum is the oldest one in South Africa. You can find the South African Museum in Cape Towns Company Gardens at the top of Adderley Street. This is the place to see many exhibits depicting much of the natural and cultural history of South Africa. There is also a planetarium on the grounds.
The Dutch East India Company has a fascinating history and this was the group of people who designed the Cape Town Companys Gardens. These folks established the Company Gardens so that the sailors who were traveling to the East would have a place to stop and take care of any health problems they incurred during the first part of the journey. There are also amazing buildings in the Gardens including a museum and the Anglican St. Georges Cathedral.
In the same area is the office of South Africas State President and the Houses of Parliament. At the southernmost tip of Government Avenue is the citys best known hotel, the Mount Nelson, which sits in the shadow of Table Mountain. This hotel has a grand colonial atmosphere and still serves a delicious and elegant afternoon tea.
On Adderly Street you can walk toward the harbor and see the oldest church in South Africa, Groote Kerk. Be sure to take a look at the ornately carved pulpit. Here you can view the statues of Jan van Riebeeck and his wife, Maria. Close to these attractions is the Castle of Good Hope which is the oldest surviving intact structure in South Africa.
You may want to search out Greenmarket Square which is the heart of the old city. There are flea market stalls, shoppers and buskers galore. The Old Town House is a beautiful baroque building that dates back to 1761 and holds the Michaelis Collection of Dutch and Flemish art. There are also Victorian buildings that house pawnshops and boutiques.
There are many museums and galleries in Cape Town. Most of them operate under the umbrella of Iziko Museums of Cape Town. The museums offer diverse exhibitions in lovely settings. You can even tour a collection of old city houses that have been restored.
Visit Cape Town, South Africa for a trip you will always remember.
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